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KBA 130 A-4
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Printing machinery

Heidelberg machinery

Second Hand Printing machinery

Used graphic equiment

Used Heidelberg machinery

Offset Machinery

Used printing machinery

Second hand graphic machinery

Used Roland machinery

Second hand offset machinery

Roland machinery

We offer you a wide and extensive list with the most competitive offer in the market, where you shall find what you are looking for, or otherwise, all you have to do is fill in the form given on this page and explain your demand, after which our sales department will take the necessary steps in order to offer you the machines that suit your present needs.

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Heidelberg CD 102-5 1998    72 x 102 cm.   
[ Autoplate ; Preset ; CP-Tronic ; CPC 1-04 ; Alcolor ; Technotrans refrigeration ; Automatic washers ; IR Dryer ; Powder spray. ...]
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Heidelberg SM 102-5P+LX 2008    72 x 102 cm.   
[ Perfecting 2+3 ; Autoplate ; Preset Plus Feeder & Delivery ; CP2000 Press Center ; CP2000 Master Level ; CP2000 Instant Gate ; Alcolor Continuous dampening ; Ink Temperature Control ; Alcosmart AZR ; Technotran ...]
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Heidelberg SM 102FPP 1986    72 x 102 cm.   
[ Perfecting 1+4 / 2+3 ; CPC 1-02 ; Alcolor dampening ; Baldwin refrigeration ; Powder spray. ...]
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Heidelberg SM 74-5-PP 1996    52 x 74 cm.   
[ Machine checked and cleaned. Perfecting 1-4 , 2+3 ; CPC 1-04 ; CP Tronic ; Autoplate ; Preset ; Alcolor ; Technotrans refrigeration ; Automatic washers ; Powder spray ; CIP 3. ...]
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¿Usted busca maquinaria de imprenta? Pinche aqui
Paseo de las Delicias, 30 – 2ª Planta
28045 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 91 113 85 29
Fax: +34 91 182 25 13
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